DISNEY+ REVIEW: “The Mandalorian” Chapter 2 – A Long Walk In The Desert Can Still Be A Lot Of Fun

Ron D'Anna

DISNEY+ REVIEW: “The Mandalorian” Chapter 2 – A Long Walk In The Desert Can Still Be A Lot Of Fun

Warning: This post contains full spoilers for Chapter 1 of The Mandalorian and discusses Chapter 2 in more vague terms…

The ending of the first episode of The Mandalorian left our hero with a small problem. That problem was about one foot tall, had giant ears, and is bound to sell a ton of merchandise should it ever be released. It turns out the bounty he was tracking down was an infant member of Yoda’s species, which in all the canon I’ve never seen a name for. Chapter 2, The Child, picks up right where the first chapter left off.

Pedro Pascal’s Mandalorian bounty hunter is escorting his “catch” back to the ship, conveniently traveling in a floating stroller. Note to Disney: Find a way to get those in the parks. The episode essentially feels like a side quest, giving the protagonist a series of steps he needs to actually get off the planet. There are a lot of pretty humorous moments to these challenges, but they don’t really advance the meta-plot of the series. Nor do they serve in any character development perspective, unless it’s to pull back from the Mandalorian’s seemingly invincible status in the first episode. The only real development, a big spoiler I’m not describing here, is actually fairly predicable to many fans.

While the episode doesn’t seem necessary, it was still a lot of fun, and the Nick Nolte-voiced Ugnaught sidekick Kuiil really gets more time to shine. While the plot meanders a little, the scenes themselves are well-scripted and well-choreographed. I would honestly say my biggest complaint was the shortness of the episode. With only eight known episodes planned for the season, and most only looking to hover around the half hour mark, and some of those feeling like filler, it may be that Jon Favreau’s vision wasn’t as grand as we were led to believe.

4 thoughts on “DISNEY+ REVIEW: “The Mandalorian” Chapter 2 – A Long Walk In The Desert Can Still Be A Lot Of Fun”

  1. That little creature was so cute my teen daughter kept squealing with joy thru the whole episode. Hope it’s in the whole season.

  2. Thumbnail is a spoiler for those who haven’t started watching the series yet. Consider replacing with something that appears in trailers, etc.

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