The newest friend of the beloved Duffy the Disney Bear, ‘Olu Mel, has quickly made his way from Aulani to Shanghai and Hong Kong Disneyland, as well as Tokyo DisneySea this year! But, for the first time ever, starting September 1st, a full costumed ‘Olu Mel will debut at Shanghai Disneyland as part of the upcoming “A Month with Duffy & Friends” event from September 1st-30th.
Shown in the center, we see the fully-costumed ‘Olu Mel alongside other favorites like Gelatoni and StellaLou! Unlike compatriots, he seems to have absolutely no clothing, not even a hat. Other details surrounding the upcoming event have yet to be revealed, including where the costumed character will be seen, but we know that ‘Olu Mel will be a part of it, so be sure to stay tuned to WDWNT for the latest news!