VIDEO: Disney Infinity 4.0 Footage Released Nearly Three Years After Series Demise


VIDEO: Disney Infinity 4.0 Footage Released Nearly Three Years After Series Demise


VIDEO: Disney Infinity 4.0 Footage Released Nearly Three Years After Series Demise

We’re just a few months shy of the three-year anniversary of when Disney canned the beloved Disney Infinity series and pulled out of in-house game development altogether. In the months following the series cancellation, tons of news regarding scrapped plans began to surface, including a Moana playset, Rogue One figures, and much more. However, the well of cancelled projects has since dried up, or at least so it seemed. YouTuber Infiniteer Adventures has returned with yet another insightful video sharing a first look at pre-alpha footage of the cancelled Disney Infinity 4.0.

Recently, a Reddit user by the name of u/14milesperhour uploaded a video to Vimeo titled “Disney Infinity 4.0 Kingdoms – Pre Alpha UFG Footage” which showcases tons of early footage of Disney Infinity 4.0. Infiniteer Adventures released this footage to YouTube, sharing some additional insight as to what the video covers, which you can watch below.

As suggested by the video title and the reference to the game, the fourth installment in the Disney Infinity series was likely going to be called “Disney Infinity 4.0 Kingdoms.” The original video comes from the now-defunct game studio United Front Games (worked on games like Disney Infinity 3.0 – Marvel Battlegrounds playset, ModNation Racers, Sleeping Dogs, Halo: The Master Chief Collection) who was working on an Agrabah portion of the game. What’s interesting is that this video features playable characters from various properties such as Monsters, Inc. and Star Wars within the Aladdin game. It appears that Disney Infinity 4.0 would have allowed players to use characters from various properties to play together outside of just Toy Box mode, much like 3.0’s Toy Box Takeover playset. Allowing for any and all figures to function in the game’s story content would have offered far more player choice and a great mix of crossover action, which the series was well known for doing.

Disney Infinity 4.0 Kingdoms Aladdin Star Wars

What would have been completely new to “Disney Infinity 4.0 Kingdoms” is the narrative crossover between various franchises. Unlike Toy Box Takeover from 3.0, this video appears to show a dedicated Aladdin story featuring crossover material from the Star Wars universe.

A lot of the camera work and animations were still under development (keep in mind, this is pre-alpha footage), so the game looks a little rough around the edges, but overall this video offers a solid look at what many wished to be the next release in the Disney Infinity franchise.

Disney Infinity 4.0 Kingdoms Aladdin Star Wars

While it is always exciting to get another look at what could have been, it is also unfortunate that these impressive ideas and projects which had countless hours of work poured into them will never be released to the public. At least we have this much to admire for all the heart and soul that the various development teams put into making these games happen for the fans.

What do you think about this footage? Does this make you nostalgic for the days of Disney Infinity? Please share your thoughts with us in the comments!