Walt Disney World Annual Passholders File Lawsuit Over Recent Billing Errors

Matthew Soberman

People eagerly lined up at the Annual Passholder Entrance for Walt Disney World, marked by a sign featuring Mickey Mouse, as they anticipated the magic that their Walt Disney World Annual Passes 2020 would unlock.

Walt Disney World Annual Passholders File Lawsuit Over Recent Billing Errors

Following last week’s incident where a computer error caused hundreds of dollars to be billed at once from Walt Disney World Annual Passholders, a pair of passholders have filed a lawsuit seeking class action status against the resort.

annual passholder featured image

The Orlando Sentinel‘s Gabrielle Russon reported on the lawsuit from Miami-Dade County residents Sarah Heinman and Liza Bertran, who filed the suit in Orange Circuit Court on the day of the incident, which happened last Friday. The pair, who are seeking more than $30,000, accused Disney of breach of contract.

The lawsuit claims that Disney charged Heinman $905 and Bertran $520, roughly four months worth of payments “in one fell swoop.” Disney had previously announced in April that Annual Passholders would not be charged on their monthly payment plans while the theme parks remained closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Disney has apologized for the incident, claiming it was due to a “computer glitch,” and that refunds are being “actively processed.”

6 thoughts on “Walt Disney World Annual Passholders File Lawsuit Over Recent Billing Errors”

  1. I’m failing to see grounds for this case. There was a computer glitch that Disney apologized for and is fixing.

  2. Never miss an opportunity! Did their unfortunate billing error cause $30,000 in overdraft fees? I doubt it. Disney’s already issuing refunds for the error. I could see if they tried fighting for overdraft fees with their refunds and Disney wouldn’t pay up, but they haven’t even had time to do that. If you can’t handle this maybe you shouldn’t be an AP holder.

  3. Disney should ban them for life after Disney wins this lawsuit. Greed and stupidity is what drives these desperate South Floridians.

  4. So because you had 900.00 taken out of you account, your asking for 30,000? It was a mistake yes but if it caused you hardship ask just for exactly what you had to cover because of insufficient funds or something. Not 30,000 dollars. Wow people.

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